We are a group of volunteers dedicated to making a positive impact in our local community. By joining us, you'll have the opportunity to meet new people and make a difference in the lives of those around you.
Food rescue is a critical part of our organization's efforts. We need volunteers to help sort and save food for distribution with a goal of 0% waste..
We need volunteers to help us spread the word about our organization and our mission. This includes creating and distributing flyers, reaching out to local media outlets, and connecting with other community organizations.
If you have a specialized skill or expertise, we would love to hear from you. From graphic design to web development to legal services, we rely on volunteers with a wide range of talents to help us achieve our goals.
Harvest Share is committed to doing our part to ensure no one in the community goes hungry. We provide bi-weekly dinners and require servers, prep helpers and clean-up assistants. This is a great way for students to fulfill community hour obligations.
Don't have time to volunteer? You can still support our organization by making a donation. Your contribution will help us continue our work and make a difference in our community.
This April we are very happy to announce that Harvest Share has been chosen as one of the charities who will benefit from the SMILE cookie campaign. Cookies will be sold at participating Timmies locations, with proceeds (from Parry Sound stores) being divided evenly between Harvest Share and the Salvation Army Food Bank.